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"How To do business In Bitcoin"   What is BITCOIN - So all of you readers must have heard about bitcoin that people are becoming rich overnight by using bitcoin. And you don't even know what bitcoin is after all? And is it really any more than that? 1.What is Bitcoin?(WHAT IS BITCOIN):: Bitcoin is a part of crypto currency, crypto currency means that the currency that is kept secretly || You can also call it hidden currency. This currency can be used only through digital medium. Bitcoin is a virtual currency, it is very different from the rest of the currency because neither we can see nor touch bitcoins, the way we can touch pesos, we cannot do with bitcoins. Now we know that how we can use bitcoin, so that is why you should read the complete information given below.  2. HOW BITCOIN WORKS :(How bitcoin works): Anyone can use Bitcoin like we all use the Internet. Bitcoin is an online stored currency that you can store a