"How To do business In Bitcoin"

 What is BITCOIN - So all of you readers must have heard about bitcoin that people are becoming rich overnight by using bitcoin. And you don't even know what bitcoin is after all? And is it really any more than that?

1.What is Bitcoin?(WHAT IS BITCOIN)::

Bitcoin is a part of crypto currency, crypto currency means that the currency that is kept secretly || You can also call it hidden currency. This currency can be used only through digital medium.

Bitcoin is a virtual currency, it is very different from the rest of the currency because neither we can see nor touch bitcoins, the way we can touch pesos, we cannot do with bitcoins.

Now we know that how we can use bitcoin, so that is why you should read the complete information given below. 

2. HOW BITCOIN WORKS :(How bitcoin works):

Anyone can use Bitcoin like we all use the Internet. Bitcoin is an online stored currency that you can store and hold online. You can use bitcoins to make transactions online.  .Bitcoin works with Twin Connected's traffic These are bank account to bank account in wireless connection account which are linked to Sidasere. Bitcoin is considered the most efficient for online transactions A lot of logs are increasingly using bitcoin in online currency today Jesse Online developers, organizations, etc.!In today's time, bitcoin is being used in the form of global payment all over the world.

To use bitcoin, you can store it in your bitcoin wallet, you do not have to know what a bitcoin wallet is. 

3.BITCOIN Wallet::(Bitcoin Wallet): We can store bitcoins only electronically, we need a bitcoin wallet to keep it There are many types of bitcoin wallets like:: Desktop Wallet, Mobile Wallet, Hardware Wallet etc! One of these is to create an account using a wallet which gives you a unique identity like if you have earned bitcoin from somewhere and you want to store it in your account then you must have your identity there. And with the help of this, you can store bitcoin in your wallet, apart from this, if you want to buy or save bitcoin, then you will need a wallet! Only then you can buy or sell bitcoin. 

After knowing so much about bitcoin, you would also like to know who is the owner of the last bitcoin, so let's know who is the owner of bitcoin?

4. Owner of bitcoin:

Talking about bitcoin, it is a virtual currency and companies all over the world are investing in it digitally today, so whoever is using it clearly.Usually a big company, then any common man who wants to make digital investment of currency can use it, he is the owner of it, now it is very important for you to know that where did bitcoin start from 

5.Bitcoin debut:

Talking about the introduction of Bitcoin, a domain was first registered on 18 August 2008 (18 Aug.2008) named!About 2 months after this, in November 2008, a document called Satoshi Nakamodo was released! Which was titled-

"BITCOIN-a pair to pair electronics gass sistem" and that's how it came to the notice of the people! And just like that in January 2009, gold was open sourced in bitcoin on top of "sourceforge"! You all know there is a source or there is a catchflow It has a network, just like Bitcoin also has a network called the genesis block.  Which came to the fore in 2009, where Satoshi Nakamoto mined bitcoin for the first time. And whoever inside the network is a sender and a taker and the name of the bitcoin he received is "HAL FINNAY" who is a software developer! 

 It is very important for you to know that as much as bitcoin has become popular, hardly any other currency has become as much !!

 Now all of you are thinking that if you also want to use bitcoin, then how can you do it?

  Just for this, you have to read the whole article carefully, because of which you can also use bitcoin to become rich overnight. So let's see how to earn money from bitcoin sitting at home !!

6. How to earn from BITCOIN (how to earn with bitcoin):

As you have seen, bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which is neither controlled by any company nor by any government. Bitcoin is a secure currency. The offer of bitcoin is more than 8 lakhs. The special thing about bitcoin is that it is a very secure currency and neither transaction can be tracked in bitcoin. Like when you transfer money to someone from the coming bank, then the authority which is tracking it, the value of bitcoin keeps going up and down very fast. It works on only one rule, demand and supply!! The more people buy it, the more its value increases! Origin of BITCOIN Because coffee grows rapidly, so people supply it as soon as possible and earn millions of rupees, so let's know how you can do bitcoin transactions on your mobile phone

So first of all you can download an app with the help of Google. Whose name will be

"ZABPAY"! Yaha you are given a wallet where: you can withdraw money!

 This and other are the reasons due to which you can earn from bitcoin 

  1. You can open a crypto interest account where you get an interest of 8 to 9% when you open an account in any company during the interest, this is a means of earning in bitcoins!!

  1.  You can participate in surveys given by companies in marketing, The higher you are, the more bitcoins you can earn!!

  1. Remember you pay bitcoins by buying products online at sights So also gives you cashback so that you can earn more and more bitcoins!!

 So there are many important points by looking at which you can learn how you have to work in bitcoin and how you have to earn. 

 Now you have to know all the facts about bitcoin here, which you do not even know that bitcoin has created panic in the industry.  You will not only enjoy knowing Jinke, but you can also know some special information related to bitcoin which will help you to know about bitcoin because now is the era of crypto currency. 

That's why you must stay updated on today's time!

Some interesting facts about BITCOIN:

So let's see some interesting facts about bitcoin !!

Let's take a look at them too.

  1.Crypto Bitcoin has remained the Number 1 digital money in the world for more than 8 years, in today's time there will be more than 25000 crypto currency! In which bitcoin has topped !!

  2. The computing power of the Bitcoin network is even faster than super computing, which you can use to buy goods 

 3.Bitcoin supply is limited is there only 21 million bitcoins available and by the year 2140 they will be exhausted, yami its bad bitcoin supply will stop!! 

 4. The process of doing BITCOIN is called mining and it is a block chain technology.

 5. Bitcoin and pizza have a very strong relationship, so May 22 is celebrated as Bitcoin Pizza Day. 22may 2010  Pizza was first purchased with bitcoin! This was the use of bitcoin that was used to buy pizza with bitcoin 

 6. Bitcoin is worth a little over $64 million today 

 7. If your bitcoin wallet goes around, then you understand that your bitcoin is also gone !! That's why you. Keeping your password or key safe is a must!! 

 8. Bitcoin transaction cannot be reversed like a bank transfer, once the money is sent, it is not yours, you cannot use it and recover!! 

 9.Bitcoin Cannot Be Created: Because It Is Regulated 

 10. The information of the sender or receiver of bitcoin is hidden because it depends on the alpha numeric characters !! And that's why it is said that it becomes easy to do illegal transactions .

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